Graceful Changes

It is really quite fun to watch your little rug grow as you lace on more rows, and equally fascinating to see it change character through different color additions. But at some point it needs to come to an end, in order to put it on the floor and use it!
So where and how do we do this?
This set of video tutorials will show you how I make color changes in the least noticeable way, and also a method to gracefully rattail, or taper the ending, on an oval rug. There are several ways to taper, but this tutorial demonstrates the traditional method of hand-sewing the individual strands to end the rug. In addition to a hand-sewing needle and thread, you will need a pliers or hemostat. The link below will take you to my ‘store’ on a platform called Gumroad (which is much like Etsy, but made for the large file sizes that videos require).
Sometimes rattailing can be a bit of trial and error, as each rug is a little different. But if you’re learning and want to see the process, have a look!